“What you need is a brand new girlfriend.” I glanced over. My agent wasn’t smiling. Not the faintest hint of a guffaw in his tone. “Like a hole in the head.” I hadn’t felt the need for a new girlfriend since my last girlfriend was discovered in flagrante amidst the Creeping Charlie near the reflecting pond of my Beverly … read more
Love in an Unexpected Box: A Short Story
“But I didn’t order pizza!” The face on the other side of the screen door crinkled into a frown. A very nice face, I found myself thinking as my eyes soaked in his confusion. Chiseled cheekbones. A strong jaw. And was that the hint of a dimple on his left cheek? I shook my head … read more
To Spy on a Spy: A Short Story
It isn’t so easy to spy on a spy. Especially when you’re not quite a spy yourself. Call me Double-0 Nervous. I tried not to make it completely obvious. But my eyes kept following Henry, one of the newest hires at Beta Group – and certainly the hunkiest. Since his Day One I’d been attracted to those broad … read more
Snowed In
Some girls have all the luck. Here I was, snowed in with a huge, growly male, not a stitch of clothing over his muscular chest. Raw, big-boned maleness, all sloe-eyes and dark, silky hair. Except . . . the only thing those sloe-eyes were fixed on was the last crumb of cookie in my fingers. … read more
A Solstice Short Story
I didn’t mean to spit all over Marilyn’s lunch. It’s just the way she’d been talking about the solstice and — well, you’d have to meet Marilyn. She’s always so sunny. So bright. Such an Eternal Optimist. She cracked me up. “Sorry,” I said, suddenly contrite. I waved a hand toward her lunch tray. “I’ll … read more
A DNA Test Surprise
Imagine a DNA test delivering an unexpected surprise: the man you called “Dad” wasn’t really your father. Since the advent of home DNA tests in 2007, such discoveries have become a more and more frequent. Some sources say as many as one (or even two) in 50 children aren’t actually the biological child of the … read more