My next book is . . .
off to a grand start, I think! I’ve been having so much fun writing Snow Moon, the third in my time-travel romance series!
Here’s a snapshot: Take one feisty heroine, thrown back in time to Lake Tahoe in 1887. Mix things up with a down-on-his-luck timber baron, and toss in an Evil Banker, itching to get his hands on the timber land. Add in enough complications to send a sturdy Tahoe steamer into a tailspin. And throw in a dash of romance and the quirky February full moon. . .
Check out the Sneak Preview, below!

Sneak Preview – “Snow Moon”:
I blew out a frustrated breath. The curl dangling in my eyes, an escapee from my messy bun, refused to budge. Even the clock on the far wall of the kitchen was silently mocking me.
Twenty minutes before the guests were due to arrive. And my jerk of a boss waits ’til now to inform me that four extra place settings are suddenly required?!
I glared at his skinny shoulders as Devon the Destroyer stomped from the kitchen, Italian loafers clicking on the tile floor. A perfectly-tailored back, from the drape of his charcoal pin-striped jacket, to the crisply-starched white collar protruding the regulation distance up his neck, to the immaculately-coiffed silver hair above that.
Hair spray. The sixty-ish man must use hair spray to keep every silvery thread aligned just so, a single hair never out of place despite his annoying habit of bustling around shouting impossible last-minute orders to everyone in sight.
Naturally, tonight of all nights, the soup isn’t quite ready. With the largest party of the season set to descend soon. And somehow I am supposed to miraculously rustle up four more place-settings somewhere and try to squeeze them into the already-overcrowded dining tables, finish the soup, slice the bread, which should be coming out of the oven in – I glanced at the clock again – six more minutes. And pour the waters. Sure thing. Piece of cake.
A giant full moon was already rising over the treetops – the Snow Moon, my sister had called it. She’d looked it up. An encouraging reminder that despite the year’s snowiest month better things lay ahead, she’d announced.
I certainly hoped so.
There were plenty of legends about full moons, of course. Nursing friends had solemnly assured me that more babies made their appearance at the full moon than any other part of the lunar cycle. The cops swore it brought out the crazies in people.
I huffed a quiet chuckle. Maybe that’s what had gotten Devon the Dictator in such a foul mood tonight: the full moon. It was as good an explanation as any.
Setting my spoon down, I ducked into the pantry to hunt up the extra place settings Devon had ordered. Luckily, a top shelf held just enough extra crockery. Mismatched patterns, but they’d have to do.
Clutching a stack of plates and glassware in my arms, I made my way through the kitchen to the dining room beyond, scooting things around on the tables to accommodate the four additional settings. All was ready except finding four extra chairs, and since I had no idea where those were kept, I decided to leave that detail to His Annoying Highness to figure out.
The warm, comforting aroma of roast beef filled the kitchen as I reentered the kitchen. The bread wore a golden crust when I cracked the door of the second oven for a peek. Dipping a spoon in the giant pot, I sampled the soup. Not bad. Velvety and smooth. A touch more ginger would finish it to perfection.
Reaching for the tin, I frowned. Another teaspoon would have done it. Maybe less. Naturally, the spice tin was empty.
“I’m out of ginger, but think I saw another tin in the pantry,” I called to Hannah. “Be right back.”
Mentally, I crossed my fingers, hoping Devon the Devious wouldn’t pick this exact moment to burst into the kitchen and find me gone.
A flash outside the kitchen window surprised me, and a patter of heavy drops began against the glass. The storm seemed to be gathering in intensity. I glanced outside again as I made my way toward the pantry.
The big, luscious full moon had already risen well above the treetops, and was peeking through the clouds. Another unexpected burst of lightning coupled with an almost instantaneous clap of thunder made me jump. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck prickle. That was close.
Swinging open the door to the adjoining pantry, I flicked on the lights and stepped inside. I hadn’t cooked here often enough to be completely familiar with where everything was kept, but the standing racks of metal shelves seemed well-organized. On the same shelves where I’d already found with extra plates and glassware sat a cluster of cut-glass salt and pepper shakers. But no other spices. Standard restaurant supplies occupied another portion of the shelving – giant #10 cans with everything from tomatoes and beans to olives, artichokes, and coffee.
Shoving a few cans and bottles aside around I bent and peered into the shadowy recesses at the back, hoping to find where spices were kept. They must be here, somewhere. . . .
Another sudden burst of lightning shook me. I hadn’t realized the pantry even had a window. But the brilliant flash enveloped the room like a strobe. Its glare seemed to be everywhere at once, exploding off the glassware, the tins, the metal racks –
And then the overhead lights went out.
It was pitch black – beyond pitch black. I couldn’t even make out the faint glow of the moon. I held up a hand in front of my face. Nothing.
Slowly, carefully, I began backing toward the door. The last thing I needed was to bang into the shelves, bringing dishware and restaurant supplies down on my head. Hand extended behind me, I fumbled for the wall.
My fingers brushed something solid. But it wasn’t smooth plaster or a wooden door. I turned in surprise, though I still couldn’t see whatever was now directly in front of me. The tips of my fingers trailed across –
Fabric. Soft and warm. And yet with the feel of steel beneath it. A chest, rising and falling with each breath. Something large and warm enveloped my wrist, stilling my touch.
A male hand. And there was a masculine voice to go with it.
“Hell’s bells, woman, light a candle, would you?” it rumbled.
* * * * *

Stay tuned!! I hope to have Snow Moon ready for you by December!
In case you missed it, here’s Book #1 in the series:
Find it on Amazon!